«Ақмола облысы білім басқармасының Зеренді ауданы бойынша білім бөлімі Приречное ауылының жалпы орта білім беретін мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі.
Коммунальное государственное учреждение «Общеобразовательная школа села Приречное отдела образования по Зерендинскому району управления образования Акмолинской области»


Ұйымдар тізімі


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Назар аударыңыз!!! Шомылу маусымы.


It's time for school holidays and summer vacations. In order to prevent
and prevent accidents on the water during the bathing season
The Department of Emergency Situations of the Tselinograd district reminds you about
safety measures when bathing in reservoirs.
To ensure the safety of vacationers when bathing, it is necessary to choose
places that meet the following requirements:
- the coastal area of the bathing place must meet
sanitary and epidemiological requirements;
- the depth in the bathing area of children should not exceed 1.2 meters.
- the bottom of the reservoir should be dense, have a gradual slope from the shore, without
ledges to a depth of 1.75 m, with a width of no more than 15 m from the shore.
- bathing places are allocated upstream at least 500 m from the places
of sewage discharge, structures.
- there should be no outlet of groundwater with low
temperature in bathing areas, the water flow rate should not exceed 0.5 m/sec, and for
bathing children – 0.3 m/sec.
Dear parents, we remind you to prevent accidents with

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